
Julie Levesque: Iran Accused of 9/11 Attacks??

The US court judgment issued in December 2011 (Havlish v.Iran) which blames the Iran government for the 9/11 attacks is part of the propaganda ploy, which consists in demonizing the Islamic Republic of Iran. As we all know, the reality is quite different: Silverstein, the Jew who owned the towers at that time, decided that he did not want to pay for the restoration of the huge amount of dangerous asbestos in his buildings, and decided, what the heck, why not kill a lot of his people, and make a lot of money in the process. The many lives lost were not important to him, since he was a was only involved with the possible money, as most Israelis are. Like many similar lawsuits in America, this legal procedure's ultimate goal is to draw off important sums of money from the Iranian government, leading to the possible confiscation of assets, thereby further strangling the country's economy, already strangling the country's economy, already targeted by US sanctions, while simultaneously reinforcing Iran's image of a state sponsor of terrorism. This ruling allows the families involved to claim damages from the Iranian government, as well as from a number of Iranian State corporations, the amount of which is still unknown, but could reach billions, like last December's judgment which found Iran liable for the 1983 Beirut bombings. This judicial procedure is nothing more than another vicious weapon in the "fabricated" War on Terror, to be used against another Muslim country, with a view to destabalizing Iran as well as justfying ongoing military threats. It also says a lot more about the people behind the lawsuit than about the accused. The "expert" witnesses who testified against Iran are very active in warmongering neocon circles. They belong to a web of architects of the 21st century Middle-Eastern wars, ranging from high profile propagandists, to intelligence and military officers, including former US officials!

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