
Lawrence Sellin: Censorship and Disinformation in America

You will not see an article like this appear in any American mainstream media outlet. Barack Hussein Obama is an illegal President. He is not now, nor has he ever been eligible to be a candidate for or hold that office, because his father was a British subject at the time of his birth. Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of the US Constitution requires that all candidates for the Presidency be "natural born citizens." As defined in the binding Supreme Court precedent of Minor v Happerset (1875) and confirmed in the subsequent ruling of US v. Wong Kim Ark (1898) and others, all candidates for the offices of President and Vice President must be second generation Americans, that is, US citizens of citizen parents at the time of birth. President and Vice President are the only US political offices with that requirement. It was the intent of the American Founding Fathers that the chief executive and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces would not have dual allegiance or loyalty to a foreign power. There is no ambiguity, although the Democrat and Republican parties and the media are and have been deliberately trying to confuse the American public as to the true meaning of natural born citizenship. Case in point. On May 1, 2012, Fox News Channel anchor Bret Baier posted an explanation of the term 'natural born citizen' that was so factually incorrect that it must be considered propaganda. It is well beyond the scope of this, or perhaps any single article to document the full extent of the censorship conducted and the amount of disinformation disseminated, which has continued non-stop since the onset of the 2008 election cycle. Why did this happen? The cause stemmed from political expediency and cowardice. Since 1975, there have been numerous attempts by both Democrats and Republicans in Congress to redefine or amend the Article II "natural born citizen" clause.        

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