
Lawrence Sinclair: Will Obama Come "Out ," Next??

Sinclair News reported in October 2011, after Barack Obama spoke at the Annual Human Rights Campaign Gala Dinner in Washington, DC, that Obama would eventually come "OUT" in support of Gay Marriage when it became politically necessary. When the LGBT and HRC members made it known this week they would with-hold further campaign contributions until Obama publicly took a position on Gay Marriage, it became politically necessary. Never ever dismiss the financial means available from the LGBT community. After all Obama told the "Lady Gaga" worshiping crowd of intolerant activists for tolerance, "I am committed to seeing the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) go into the history books as he did with 'don't ask, don't tell.' Today's official announcement by Barack Obama that his 'evolving' position on Gay Marriage has finally reached the point where he now supports it, is by no means a surprise. A day after voters in North Carolina approved a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, President Obama told ABC News that "same-sex couples should be able to get married." Obama has said for years that his views on gay marriage were "evolving," and his announcement of support for same-sex marriage comes three days after Vice President Joe Biden said he's "absolutely comfortable" with two men or two women getting married. Just a few weeks agoObama loyalist MSNBC and his former Green Czar Van Jones laid the groundwork for what will be in the end an Obama 'coming OUT' party.     

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