
Nicola Nasser: "Peace Making" Without Mediators!

A surplus of mediators have been around all the time, including the heavy weight Quartet of the UN, US, EU and Russia, as well as heaps of terms of reference of UNSC resolutions, bilateral signed accords and road-maps, in addition to marathon bilateral talks that have left no stone unearthed, international as well as regional conferences were never on demand to facilitate the peace process, which has been lavishly financed to keep moving. However, the Palestinian Israeli peace-making is still elusive as ever as Samuel Becketts Waiting for Godot has been, without a glimpse of light at the end of the endless tunnel of Israeli peace-making is still elusive as ever as Samuel Becketts "Waiting for Godot" has been, without a glimpse of light at the end of the endless tunnel of Israeli military occupation of Palestinian territory and people. Palestinian Israeli peace-making has been for all practical reasons on hold since 2000, and bilateral peace contacts have been dormant since Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu came to power in 2009, except for a failed five-round exploratory talks hosted by Jordan last January. The latest indirect exchange of letters between Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and PM Netanyahu and the joint statement issued by their corriers pledging mutual commitment to peace are no less misleading: NO Peace, No War is still the name of the only game in town, which is in fact the ideal prescription for the implosion or explosion of an unsustainable "status quo" in the Israeli occupied Palestinian territories: The almost twenty-year old US led and EU financed peace process is still a non-starter for any feasible, creditable or sustainable peace-making in any foreseeable future. The end result is that all mediators have failed, and it is time to acknowledge their failure!  

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