
Paul Craig Roberts: "The Global War on Terrorism".

In response to the question in the title, I can report that most of my readers are. Almost everyone got the point of the last column. They see the absurdity of the governments claim that the identity of the tough, macho Navy Seals, who allegedly murdered Osama bin Laden, has to be kept secret in order to protect our fierce warriors from reprisals from Muslim terrorists, while those government officials responsible for the torture and deaths of large numbers Muslims can walk around, identity known, unprotected and safe. A few members of Congress are also awake, but not very many. Indeed, we are losing two of the most aware, Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul. Kucinich was redistricted in order to get rid of his independent voice. He carried 75% of the votes from that part of his old district that was included in his new one, but the new voters lacked the intelligence to vote for him. Ron Paul, in our time of tribulation, tried for the Republican presidential nomination on a platform of saving the US Constitution, but those who voted in Republican primaries were not interested in saving the US Constitution. Now we are down to US Rep Walter Jones. Initially, Jones was a member of the warmonger crowd. He was angered when the French government cast doubt on the George W Bush regimes reasons for the need for war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Jones said at that time that he was renaming French Fries Freedom Fries. Jones unplugged from the Matrix and has been sentient for some time. Recently, the tyrant Obama and the government operative Panetta, a political whore who has been in a variety of government positions, and is currently Secretary of Warmongering, announced publicly that, the US Constitution notwithstanding, the executive branch no longer needed the authority of Congress to go to war.

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