
Lawrence Sellin: Barack Obama is an Illegal President!

American politicians and the media are lying to the American people. They do so because they hope that their complicity in the greatest fraud in US history will be overtaken by events, that is, the 2012 election. It is the Big Stall to cover up the Big Lie. In the Russian language there is a term called "vranyo." It is loosely defined as telling a white lie or a semi-truth. It may contain fantasy or involve the suppression of unpleasant parts of the truth. In regard to Obama's ineligibility and his alleged felonies, politicians and the media expect the American people to respond in this way. "You know that you are lying. I know that you are lying, and you know that I know you are lying, but we both smile and nod in agreement." Barack Obama, according to Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the US Constitution, is an illegal President. The law requires a candidate for the Presidency to be a "natural born citizen," that is, a second generation American, a US citizen, whose parents were also US citizens at the time of the candidate's birth. Obama's father was a citizen of Kenya and a British subject at the time of his birth, which made him forever ineligible for the Presidency. For the same reason, Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio is ineligible for the Presidency and Vice Presidency because his parents were Cuban citizens, not US citizens at the time of his birth. There is no ambiguity, although those who wish to undermine the Constitution would like the American people to think otherwise. The difference between "citizen," that is, born in the US and "natural born citizen" has been clear since the adoption of the US Constitution on September 17, 1787. 

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