
Lawrence Sinclair: Caller Shows Guts in Confronting Obama

Daily Caller reporter Neil Monroe interrupts Obama's immigration announcement: Barack Obama demonstrated that he wants the GOP to believe he is desperate in his efforts to win re-election in November. Just one week before Barack Obama is to travel to Orlando, Florida to address National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, he announces yet another illegal and unconstitutional Executive Order where he has directed the Department of Homeland Security to NOT enforce the Laws of the United States. Its important for the American People and the GOP to NOT to not fall for "Obama is desperate so he is pandering for the Hispanic vote, " because as he sees it, if you fall for it and respond as if this is the case, it may very well come back to bite you. Today's announcement comes just days after the Obama campaign begun running a bevy of Spanish language ad's on Florida TV and Radio stations saying Mitt Romney does not care about the poor, that Romney has made millions of dollars out of putting people out of work, and more. Yes, we listen to the Spanish Radio stations 100.3 FM and 98 out of Orlando! Many will, and have already begun arguing that many of the people Obama has ordered protected from deportation procedures are 'not a threat to national security or to public safety.' In fact, Barack Obama today said that most of these individuals are already working, which, if correct, is a criminal act in and of itself, and with his action would allow them to do so legally, paying into the Social Security trust fund etc. When Obama and/or anyone else makes the argument that "these individuals by no fault of their own," such argument falls flat when the very individuals you say are law abiding members of society, have knowingly committed fraud in using Social Security Numbers that are not issued to them!       

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