
Prof. James F. Tracy: The 9/11 Myth: Perpetuation of the 9/11 Myth!

In the immediate wake of President Obamas May, 2011 announcement of the alleged extrajudicial killing of Osama bin Laden by US military forces, a struggle reemerged over the official 9/11 myth that major journalistic outlets have been complicit in perpetuating over the past decade. The corporate medias reaction to the robust skepticism over bin Ladens assumed execution suggested a great deal about the extent to which they are locked in to upholding the broader 9/11 parable and serving the Anglo-American political-economic establishment and status quo: After Obamas statement on bin Ladens fate citizen journalists and activists employing blogs and social media posed questions that should have been asked by professional journalists, specifically pointing to the need for further evidence supporting the presidents claims and the Obama administrations curiously inconsistent description of events. Many cited reports and commentary by mainstream news outlets, such as CBS, CNN, and The New York Times, quoting government sources that bin Laden was in failing health and likely died in December 2001. Nevertheless, once a lie has been put into motion and accepted as truth by the intellectual class, it often becomes "a de facto" reality, the broader society is obliged to endure for better or worse. In 2005 author and media critic Normon Solomon contacted the Washington Post to inquire whether its reporting of the 1964 Tonkin Gulf incident alleging the North Vietnamese attacked US ships was ever retracted. Though later proven false, the reports were carried as front page news in US papers and figured centrally in the Congressional passage of the Tonkin Gulf Resolution formally initiating the Vietnam War.   

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