
Xavier Lerma: Bilderberg 2012, the End?

The end of the Bilderberg meeting means impending trouble for the world. The good news is that independent journalists are digging the mainstream media's grave as each day passes. Who needs the mainstream media when you have videos from educated people? The protesters that gather with them are wrecking the plans of these global elitists. Ron Paul's Death: No Bulls**t but bullhorns from Alex Jones who is a hard charger in the fight for freedom. The Infowars.com reporter leads the pack with Jim Tucker's inside man, saying they wanted Ron Paul and his supporters dead in a video. Ron Paul must be good for America if the Bilderbergers hate him. Ron Paul, Republican, seems to be the only honest politician left, but even the Right wing conservative radio shows in America make him out to be a "nut case", because he says Iran is not a threat. He is similar to Pat Buchanan who was fired from MSNBC. They both have been saying the same thing about Iran having no nukes, and that Israel has 300 nuclear warheads. As Buchanan once said," you can't replicate the Middle West of America in the Middle East". The Bilderbergers are picking the vice-presidential candidates for both parties. According to Tucker, Senator and former presidential candidate, John Kerry will be on the Democratic ticket, and the Governor of Indiana, Mitch Daniels, will be on the ticket with Romney. Both men are at the Bilderberg meeting. Infowars.com says Florida senator Marco Rubio, who recently spoke before the Council on Foreign Relations, may be the VP choice. See their article and videos. Tucker says, with the exception of Reagan, the Bilderbergers have been choosing VP's and presidents since 1964. This probably explains why Reagan was shot, since he was not Bilderberg approved. Good thing he survived. I guess Kennedy was not approved either!  

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