
Dr. Ismail Salami: Israel, US Warmongers on Brewing Iran Crisis

A report published on Sunday in Haaretz reveals that US National Security Adviser Tom Donilon has presented Washington's contingency plans for a possible attack on Iran to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, once the nuclear negotiations reach an impasse. However, the report was immediately denied by a top Israeli official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. He said, Nothing in the article is correct. Donilon did not meet the prime minister for dinner, he did not meet him one on one, nor did he present operational plans to attack Iran. A quick justification for this denial could be that such a contingency plan was not supposed to be publicized, and should have remained confidential for as long as necessary. Still, there is no denial that Washington and Israel are two sides of a coin, and it is manifest that they have in their political wheeling and dealing formed a united front against Iran. US GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney has recently paid a visit to Israel to marshal up support of the Israelis on the one hand, and express his unswervingly servile commitment to Israel, including his anti-Iran stance on the other. Dan Senor, a top foreign policy adviser for the GOP presidential candidate, says that Romney would support Israels decision to launch a military strike against Iran to keep that country from achieving nuclear capabilities, but hopes diplomatic and military measures will dissuade Tehran from pursuing its path toward nuclear acquisition. Furthermore, he told reporters ahead of the speech, planned for late Sunday near Jerusalem's Old City, "If Israel has to take action on its own, in order to stop Iran from developing the capability, the governor would respect that decision." With a more somber tone, however, Romney himself has repeatedly said that he has a "zero tolerance" policy toward Iran obtaining the capability to build a nuclear weapon. 

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