
Global Research: Help Stop the Media Lies on Syria!

We have seen the situation in Syria ratcheted as violence spilled into the streets of Damascus this month. A NATO and Russian military buildup is underway in the Eastern Mediterranean and Iran has threatened to intervene, should any external powers attack Syria. Syria clearly is the epicenter of an international confrontation seeing the US, NATO, Israel, Gulf Cooperation Council confronting Russia, China, and Iran. An intensified media war comes with the battle in Syria to topple the government. The function of the media should not be underestimated. Global Research has worked to bring its readers critical news, information, and analyses to reverse the tide of mainstream media disinformation. We have been the important reference of first choice for many of our readers in our coverage of topics like Syria, Libya, Iraq, Palestine, Fukushima, Latin America, Occupy Wall Street, the global economic crisis, and the financial meltdown in America. Global Research's work is critical in the face of mainstream media disinformation, and we have managed to remain independent, acting as a vital information portal, but we still need all the help we can get. Without the support of our valued readers, the Global Research websites would not exist or grow. Spread the message, tell friends, introduce Global Research to discussion groups and classes, distribute our stories, post them on your blogs and social media pages. We have been able to develop our activities thanks to the contribution of Global Research readers. For those who are willing and able, we ask you to support our projects and battle to get critical, unreported stories and information out as a means to challenge the tide of misinformation being used as a smokescreen for imperialism and war.  

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