
Gordon Duff: Turkey Enters a Dangerous Game!

The following short article was printed on Press TV (Iran) website today. The meaning of it is clear to those familiar with the region, and, as hundreds, perhaps thousands of journalists have worked in Iraq and the Kurdish regions, where I have also worked, the story is obvious, it just can't be printed. Many of "players," the Mossad, big oil, the Bush family, are beyond the reach of the press, protected from the laws of man, empowered to play the world as a grand chessboard, to quote Zbigbiew Brzezinski. Today's pawn is Kurdistan, unaware they are being played. "The Iraqi government has summoned Ankara's envoy to Baghdad in protest to a recent visit by Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu to the disputed Iraqi city of Kirkuk. Turkey's foreign minister traveled to Kirkuk on Thursday, while on a visit to Iraq's semi autonomous Kurdistan region. The Iraqi Foreign Ministry says Ankara must have informed it ahead of the visit. Iraq has warned that Turkey should be ready for the results of this action and its potential negative effects on relations between the two countries. The real story is Turkey, whose armies have entered have entered Iraq chasing terrorists on many occasions, to the point their artillery would awaken me, has decided to become involved in Iraq's internal affairs. Kurdistan may well have a right to be a free nation. Were it so, 70% of the land making up Kurdistan would come from inside Turkey, not just Iraq. For decades, Turkey violently suppressed the role of Kurds within Turkey, in large regions where they make up the majority of the population. So, what has driven the Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, to visit Kurdish regional officials in the city of Kirkuk? Before Saddam realigned the population of Iraq, Kirkuk, home of one of the world's largest oil fields, was a Kurdish city. There have been continual political confrontations over Kirkuk for years. My personal views tend to side with the Kurds. They are my friends, some are as my own family. However, the value of Kurdistan has changed since Israel moved in. They had been there for many years, operating in the shadows, assassinating Christian leaders, pitting side against side, but Kurdistan never joined in the civil war planned for them.    

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