
Ismail Salami: Orwellian Ramifications Unfold in Syria!

There is speculation that Western supported insurgents in Syria may have seized hold of chemical weapons. Apart from the unthinkable havoc the rebels can wreak in Syria, and in the region with WMD's in their possession, the rhetorical question which remains, is how these weapons of mass destruction have fallen into the hands of the insurgents, who are chiefly composed of Wahhabi al-Qaeda mercenaries of different nationalities including Afghans, Iraqis, Turkish, Yemenis, Jordanians, Pakistanis, and Saudis. The situation in Syria is assuming Orwellian ramifications, and the possibility to clearly understand or dissect the situation in the country is not an easy task: In addition to the active role the Saudi backed Wahhabis, CIA and some western intelligence organizations are playing in Syria, there is one entity, namely Israel which is stealthily espying every single development in Syria. For the first time, an Israeli spy official clearly stated that Israel supports regime change in Syria, and that it really demands an end to the government of President Bashar Assad. I hope it will happen, even though I don't know how, Intelligence Agencies Minister Dan Meridor said on Tuesday. The top spy chief implicated why Assad should go, and how it would damage the Islamic Republic of Iran. I am not going to try to calculate when Assad's end will come, but when it happens, Iran's biggest ally will be gone. Taking it for granted that Assad is doomed to go, he said, I hope the new Syria will understand that joining Iran is a mistake that brings isolation from the Western world. Such a feeble perception of the Syrian situation is indicative of one who is either too optimistic or one who is well aware of what is going on behind the scene, and that which is not visible to the ordinary people with no intelligence savvy. Furthermore, Dan Meridor does not seem to understand that the situation in Israel is spiraling out of control with people protesting against social injustice almost on a daily basis.

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