
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya: Divide Syria, Divide the Rest!

What is happening in Syria is a sign of things to come for the region. Regime change is not the sole goal of the US and its allies in Syria. Dividing the Syrian Arab Republic is the end goal of Washington in Syria. Britain's Maple-croft, which specializes in consulting on strategic risk, has said that we are witnessing the balkanization of the Syrian state: Kurds in the north, Druze in the southern hills, Alawites in the coastal northwestern mountainous region, and the Sunni majority elsewhere. We are already people like White House adviser Vali Nasr talking about all this. The religious and ethnic cleavages in Syria are not demarcated in purely geographic terms, and the balkanization process could play out as a lebonization process, which means that Syria will be divided along violent sectarian fault lines, and face political deadlock like Lebanon during its civil war, without formally breaking up. Lebonization, a soft form of balkanization, has already taken place in Iraq under federalism. The events in the Middle East and North Africa are seeing the animation of mass movements against local tyrants, like Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, and Saudi Arabia, but there is also a vicious script from Israel's Yinon Plan and its offshoots. The Yinon Plan and similar schemes want a contrived Shiite Sunni war among the Muslims as the central piece of the sectarian divisions, or fitna in Arabic, that are to include Christian Muslim, Arab Berber, Arab Turkish, and Iranian Turkish animosity. What this process intends to do is create sectarian hatred, ethnic divisions, racism, and religious wars. All the countries that the US and its allies are destabilizing have natural dividing lines, and when tribal, ethic, confessional, and religious animosity is ignited in one country, it will spill over into other countries.

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