
Prof. Michel Chossudovsky: The Launching of a "Humanitarian War"

Towards a "Soft Invasion"? The Launching of a "Humanitarian War" against Syria. The Obama administration, in liaison with London, Paris, Tel Aviv and NATO headquarters in Brussels, is mulling over various military "intervention options" directed against Syria, including the conduct of both naval and air operations in support of "opposition"rebel forces on the ground. The US and its impervious British ally are on a "humanitarian war footing". Allied forces, including intelligence operatives and special forces have reinforced their presence on the ground in support of the opposition's "Free Syrian Army" (FSA). The British Ministry of Defense is reported to be "drawing up contingency plans in case the UK decides to deploy troops in the volatile region". Naval and air force deployments have already been announced by the British Ministry of Defense. According to London's news tabloids, quoting "authoritative" military sources," The escalating civil war in Syria made it increasingly likely that the West would be forced to step in." An Iraq style "shock and awe" bombing campaign is, for practical reasons, not being contemplated: "defense analysts warned that a force of at least 300,000 troops would be needed to carry out a full scale intervention in Syria. Even then, this would face fierce resistance". Rather than carrying out an all out "Blitzkrieg", the US NATO Israel military alliance has chosen to intervene under the diabolical R2P frame of "humanitarian warfare". Modeled on Libya, the following stages are envisaged: A US NATO backed insurgency integrated by death squads is launched under the disguise of a "protest movement" mid March 2011 in Daraa. British, French, Qatari and Turkish Special Forces are on the ground in Syria, advising and training the rebels, as well as overseeing special operations. Mercenaries hired by private security companies are also involved in supporting rebel forces. the killing of innocent civilians by the Free Syrian Army are deliberately carried out as part of a covert intelligence operation. 

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