
Rick Rozoff: America's "Long War" Israeli Allies Against Syria and Iran

Pentagon Chief Rallies Arab, Israeli Allies Against Syria, Iran US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has begun a five day, four nation tour of North Africa and the Middle East to consolidate military ties with traditional allies against the backdrop of mounting Western pressure aimed at the governments of Syria and Iran. His first two stops are to Tunisia and Egypt, long standing American client states and members of NATO's Mediterranean Dialogue partnership program. The next two are Israel and Jordan, also Mediterranean Dialogue partnership program. The next two are Israel and Jordan, also Mediterranean Dialogue members, the first the main and the second one of the largest recipients of American military aid. The two North African countries were the bellwethers of the so-called Arab Spring, a topic Panetta dwelled on at some length during his visit to Tunisia, though in relation to following Pentagon diktat Tunisia's Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and Egypt's Hosni Mubarak might well still be in power for all the difference that now exists. Last years biennial joint US Egyptian Bright Star military exercise was cancelled during the early months of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces,, but there is no reason to believe next years wont go ahead as usual. Four months ago Washington released $1.3 billion in military assistance to the Egyptian junta, with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton waiving congressional conditions introduced last year and State Department spokeswoman Victoria Victoria Nuland stating, These decisions reflect Americas over arching goal: To maintain our strategic partnership with an Egypt made stronger and more stable by a successful transition to democracy.

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