
Tony Cartalucci: Massacres in Aleppo by "Free Syrian Army"

"Responsibility to Protect" crumbles as Western armed terror front slaughters civilians, while foreign sponsors attempt to tie the hands of Syrian security forces. For the people of Aleppo, their only hope is Syria's security forces restoring order. In the pockets of Syria's largest city, the so-called "Free Syrian Army" (FSA) has dug into a campaign of systematic detention, torture, and mass murder has been carried out against "enemies of the revolution." Demonized as either "Shabiha" or "government supporters," men have been rounded up, lined up against walls, and gunned down en mass. Others await barbaric "drumhead trials" where FSA warlords deal out arbitrary justice under the guise of "Sharia law." Worst of all, all of this is being reported by the Western media, but carefully downplayed, excused, spun, and otherwise sneaked through news cycles and headlines. Reuters presented just such a report titled,"Rebels fill Aleppo power vacuum, some disapprove." Judging from the title, one might assume residents in the "liberated" alleys of select Aleppo neighborhoods are simply dissatisfied with late garbage collection and perhaps broken street lights. The title is far from the blood curdling hysteria accompanying Western accounts and fabrications of Syrian security operations over the last year and a half. However, what Reuters actually reports is indeed growing basement dungeons full of "suspected Shabiha," clear evidence of torture and abuse, as well as a growing number of summary executions and mass murder, carried out before cameras and Western media in the streets. The London Guardian likewise spins and downplays what are overt, ghoulish atrocities committed right on camera for the entire world to see. Russia Today covered one such massacre, providing a graphic video depicting several bloodied men lined up against a wall and machine gunned to death, their bodies left in a tattered pile by FSA terrorists. RT leaves no doubt in the reader's mind that what they just witnessed was a war crime.

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