
Walter Brash: RomneyTax Return Provides a Window to His Soul.

When a craven of buffoons and bigots, disguised in the bodies of "Birthers" figured that anyone with dark skin and a foreign name had to be born outside the US, Barack Obama provided a birth certificate: Not just the usual short form, but a state certified copy of the long form that detailed he was born in Hawaii, which some birthers apparently think is a foreign country, to a mother who was a natural born US citizen. That, of course, was not enough for the whack adoodles who claimed, among other things, that the President's birth certificate was altered or forged. All of their claims have been debunked by scientific evidence. Of course, they produced their own poorly forged birth certificate that they said proved President Obama was born in Kenya. In February, billionaire Donald Trump, an unabashed Birther, stood next to multi-millionaire Mitt Romney in a Las-Vegas casino and endorsed him for the Republican nomination. A few months earlier, Trump had gotten significant face time in the media, while flirting with the idea of running for the presidency while whining about Romney. "He'd buy companies. He'd close companies. He'd get rid of jobs," Trump crowed, but now, with Romney running well ahead in the primary contests, Trump was trying to be relevant and stay in the political spotlight. Romney, for his part, smiled and said nothing to suggest that Trump could be wrong about pursuing the birther argument. Trying to have everyone like him, one of the most unlikable presidential candidates refused to repudiate Trump's birther views. Unlike Barack Obama, Mitt Romney does have a secret. This one is buried within what he either did or did not report to the IRS. It's traditional, but not required, that presidential nominees release copies of their tax returns.   

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