
Robert Reich: Why Romney and Ryan are Going DOWN!!

Unemployment is still above 8 percent, job gains aren't even keeping up with population growth, the economy is barely moving forward, and yet, according to most polls, the Romney, Ryan ticket is falling further and further behind. How can this be? Because Republicans are failing the central test of electability. Instead of putting together the largest possible coalition of voters, they're relying largely on one slice of America, middle aged white men, and alienating just about everyone else. Start with Hispanics, whose electoral heft keeps growing as they become an ever larger portion of the electorate. Hispanics now favor President Obama over Romney, Ryan by a larger margin than they did six months ago. Why? In last February's Republican primary debate Romney dubbed Arizona's controversial immigration policy, that authorized police to demand proof of citizenship from anyone looking Hispanic, a "model law" for the rest of the nation. Romney then attacked GOP rival Texas Governor Rick Perry for supporting in state tuition at the University of Texas for children of undocumented immigrants, and Romney advocates what he calls "self-deportation" making life so difficult for undocumented immigrants, and Romney advocates and their families that they choose to leave. As if all this weren't enough, the GOP has been pushing voter ID laws all over America, whose obvious aim is to intimidate Hispanic voters so they won't come to the polls, but they may be having the opposite effect, emboldening the vast majority of ethnic Hispanics, who are American citizens, to vote in even greater numbers, and lend even more support to Obama and other Democrats. Or consider women, whose political and economic impact in America continues to grow. According to polls, the political gender gap is widening.

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