
Adele M Stan: Nine Things That Show Mitt Romney is Morally Bankrupt!g

In the psychic make up of any politician, the phenomenon of compartmentalization is common, but rare is the politician who proudly makes an art of it, as has Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Even as he publicly celebrates his squeaky clean personal life, Romney lauds his own brutal record as a leveraged buyout specialist, and lies with impunity on the stump, often in terms laden with race baiting code. To Romney, it seems, personal morality amounts to a roster of good personal habits that add up to a kind of personal "exceptional-ism" that add up to a kind of personal conduct that trumps whatever havoc his business behavior or political policies may wreak on the life of any poor "schlub" who should cross his path. Romney's sense of morality seems to be based on a kind of fierce individualism, in which he apparently believes himself to be morally superior by dint of his own personal habits, and assumes no responsibility for the fate of those less rigorous in their personal code, should they find an appeal to their baser instincts in the words and actions of the beyond reproach church leader, dutiful husband, and father of five. It all amounts to a kind of moral bankruptcy, in which the former Massachusetts governor presumes he is entitled to a morally superior reputation, for which he has not kept up the payments. It's not that hard to be good to your family and friends. If true morality is evidenced by how one treats strangers, Romney's reputation as a moral actor should be under water. Here are but nine bits of evidence of the moral bankruptcy of Willard Mitt Romney. There exist many more, but life is short: The smug non smoker took big bucks to push smoking on Russians. Slams government economic investment despite having taken government contracts. Opposes abortion, but invested in a company that disposes of aborted fetuses. Decries corruption in other countries but facilitated it in his own. Insults low income Americans for not paying federal income tax, while not paying federal income tax on almost all of his income. Calls for more transparency from his opponent, while hiding his own tax returns, squirreling millions offshore and using accounting tricks to lower his tax rate.

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