
Jayne Lyn Stahl: The Romney Campaign Needs Truth Infusions!

Paul Ryan ended the one and only vice presidential debate last week just as he began it, conveniently stepping over the facts. Ryan stepped on the facts when, referring to Governor Romney, he asked "Wouldn't it be nice to have a job creator in the White House?" It's widely known that when he left the governorship of his state back in 2007, Massachusetts came in 47 out of 50 states in job creation. On Iran, once again, Congressman Ryan stepped on the facts when he characterized Iran as "racing towards a nuclear weapon." Vice President Biden called him out on it. Biden laughed and said, rightly, "Iranians are a good way away from getting a nuclear weapon. There is no weapon that the Iranians have now. What is all this bluster?" The man who would be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office laments the Obama administration's effort to address the imploding deficit by making much needed cuts to defense. Instead, Mr. Ryan and his sidekick,"Cool Hand Mitt", want to increase defense spending by $2 trillion. Yes, $2 trillion, which is what some economists estimate the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, over the past decade, have added to the deficit. Deficit hawk Ryan gave a big thumbs up to both wars. During the debate, he now says he and Romney "are for peace, too." Well, show me the math, pal. How can any candidate for any elected office have the chutzpah to insult the intelligence of American voters with a bold faced lie like that one. When Ryan says, "That's what we have to do. We have to change Iran's mind," how does he plan to do so? If grueling economic sanctions that the current administration has applied, sanctions so severe that protestors took to the streets of Teheran in desperation, weren't enough, what's left? Boots on the ground? Fighter jets in the air? Occupying and pummeling Teheran in much the same way their immediate predecessor, George W Bush occupied and pummeled Iraq only to discover later that there were no"weapons of mass destruction."   

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