
Lynn Stuart Parramore: Top 6 Lies Romney Has Told Women!!

Women, along with a handful of undecided voters, are pretty much going to decide this thing, come November 6. The gender gap is at historic highs, and if solely women were voting, there's no question as to who would be occupying the White House for the next four years. In the last weeks before the election, Romney has shown himself ready to get down on bended knee to woo the female vote. Which would be cute, if he didn't have a record of denying women their basic human rights. Unbeknownst to Mitt, women, in addition to making handy office workers, are also fully capable of seeing through all the manipulations, mansplaining and malarkey that have been spread around this campaign season. So let's pause a moment to take a look at Mitt's continual war on women's credibility. In the final presidential face off Monday night, Romney seemed to glow with the fire of the global struggle for women's rights. Right off the bat, he hailed the Arab Spring and the "hope that there would be a change towards more moderation, and opportunity for greater participation on the part of women in public life? Maybe that glow was really the tell tale flush of the hypocrite. Because the funny thing is, women can't participate effectively in public life if they can't get access to family planning services and find themselves thrown into abject poverty trying to feed too many children. Mitt has vowed that his first order of business as president would be to reinstate the devastating "global gag rule," also known as the "Mexico City policy" a restriction originally hatched by Reagan that has been used to block federal money for family planning work abroad to any organization that provides information, advice, referrals or services for legal abortion or supported the legalization of abortion, even using its own funds.

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