
Paul Craig Roberts: Police State USA!!!!

In "Amerika", as opposed in my former home country of Germany, there will Never be a "Real Debate". God help them if Obama and Romney ever had to participate in a real debate about a real issue at the Oxford Union. They would be massacred. The "debates" revealed that not only the candidates, but also the entire country is completely tuned out to every real problem and dangerous development. For example, you would never know that US citizens can now be imprisoned and executed without due process. All that is required to terminate the liberty and life of an American citizen by his own government is an unaccountable decision somewhere in the executive branch. No doubt that Americans, if they think of this at all, believe that it will happen to terrorists who deserve it. But as no evidence or due process is required, how would we know that it will only happen to terrorists? Can we really trust a government that has started wars in 7 countries on the basis of falsehoods? If the US government will lie about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction in order to invade a country, why won't it lie about who is a terrorist? America needs a debate about how we can made more safe by removing the Constitution, are we ruled by Caesar? The Founding Fathers did not think we could trust a Caesar with our safety. What has changed that we can now trust a Caesar? It we are under such a terrorist threat that the Constitution has to be suspended or replaced by unaccountable executive action, how come all the alleged terrorist cases are sting operations organized by the FBI? In eleven years, there has not been a single case in which the "terrorist" had the initiative! In the eleven years since 9/11, acts of domestic terrorism have been miniscule, if they even exist. What justified the enormous and expensive Department of Homeland Security?

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