
Toni Cartalucci: Impetus for US NATO Planned War?

It was, starting at least in 2007, the goal of the US, Saudis, and Israelis to trigger a region wide sectarian war with which to overrun the governments of Lebanon, Syria, and Iran. This was documented in detail in Seymour Hersh's 2007 New Yorker article, "The Redirection" which was covered in depth in, Syrian War: The Prequel. A recent bombing in Beirut, Lebanon left high ranking security chief Brigadier General Wissam al Hassan dead. Al Hassan is described as "anti-Syrian." Before his death was announced, and literally as bodies were still being pulled from the wreckage caused by the bombing, politicians from Saad Hariri's faction began immediately blaming Syria for the attacks. Hariri himself also laid the blame on Syria, offering no other details or supporting evidence. Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran have all condemned the bombing, and cite it as a provocation to start a greater sectarian war, from which none will benefit. Each in turn suspect Israel and the West, as a greater sectarian war, from which none will benefit. Each in turn suspect Israel and the West, as greater sectarian tension is expected to result, playing into long documented attempts by US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia to trigger a sectarian tension is expected to result, playing into long documented attempts by US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia to trigger a sectarian war they hope will be the downfall of Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran. Suspicious op-eds in pro-Western "Lebanon Now" insist that Syria is responsible, and again without evidence, concludes that blaming Israel is inappropriate, and that the Wall Street London militant beachhead is by far a lesser threat to Lebanon than what its calls "the most deadly virus" of President Bashar al Assad's Syria. The blast has given impetus to Hariri's mobs to flood into the streets, who will no doubt portray themselves to be as "spontaneous" and "independent" as US engineered mobs were throughout the equally premeditated "Arab Spring."    

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