
Bill Moyers: Bob Herbert and Reihan Salam

on what the 2012 election reveals about America. Bill Moyers: Welcome.It's the weekend after, and Barack Obama is back in the White House, Democrats are back in control of the Senate, and Republicans are back running the House. That's what prevailed before Americans voted, when deadlock reigned in Washington, little got done, and the country was frustrated and angry. Are we in for more of the same? The talk we are hearing in Washington sounds altogether too familiar. So let's consider what's ahead with two people of different philosophies about what should be done. Bob Herbert was a long time liberal columnist for The New York Times until he retired last year and became a distinguished senior fellow for the national think tank Demos. He's been on the road for months now, reporting for his forthcoming book, Wounded Colossus. Reihan Salam writes The Agenda, that's a daily blog for the conservative National Review Online. He is a policy adviser at the think tank Economics 21 and a columnist for Reuters. He is also the co author with Ross Douthat of the much talked about book, Grand New Party, How Republicans Can Win the Working Class and Save the American Dream.Welcome to you both. Great to see you, Bill. Bill Moyers: Bob, what will you remember about this election? Bob Herbert: Well, the first thing I'll remember is the way people turned out to vote in this election in the face of tremendous voter suppression efforts, and I just think they've been really American heroes because they stood up and said, "You are not going to take the vote away from us." Some people stood in line for six, seven and eight hours. Some had been in areas that had been damaged by the storm, and I just think that they were there upholding democracy. So that's the first thing that I remember about it.      

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