
Gordon Duff: Israel's Abuse of Legal Palestinian Sovereignty!!

Generally, it is a "given" that the West, America, Britain, France and Germany, are oblivious to any conflict involving Israel. When 15 civilians were killed by an American F 16, bombing a civilian neighborhood in Gaza, non Islamic leaders turned away, failing to offer what would normally be words of sympathy and respect. Their silence, the shame of it, is easy to understand. They have found themselves "in bed" with something unclean. Their silence, the shame of it, is easy to understand. They have found themselves "in bed" with something unclean. Their silence is de-facto recognition of a lie. Neither Gaza nor the West Bank or Golan Heights have been part of Israel, nor was Israel mandated by any recognized international authority as a "Jewish state." In fact, there is no established treaty that has ever outlined any of Israel's borders. If one is accepted as "law," the other should be equally considered. In 1917, Lord Balfour had no right to speak for the Ottoman Empire, the recognized government of Palestine, nor did he have authority to speak for the signatories of the Versailles Treaty two years into the future. Two documents, both of an earlier era, have exactly the same validity, the "Balfour Declaration" and the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." Both documents are devoid of authentication, and though their historical impact has been immense, neither document was created by any recognized entity of standing. The Balfour "Agreement," between Lord Rothschild and one of his financial, gambling partners, truth be told, carried more authority than the promise to pay a gambling debt or an overdue bill from a "bawdy house." The legal political status of both the West Bank and Gaza are quite clear in accordance with international law. These are areas of temporary military occupation, limited by the UN to a matter to a matter of days as a result of the 1967 War. No treaty awarded the land to Israel and, at no time, has Israel formally annexed these territories.  

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