
James F Tracy: The Realities of Weather Modification!

Over the past decade evidence has increasingly emerged indicating how geo-engineering and weather modification programs designed to inflict major impacts on the atmosphere and environment are fully operational. Despite such developments the CO2 specific anthropogenic theory of global warming touted by foundation funded environmental groups and public relations dominates much of the popular discourse and the prevailing worldwide view of intellectuals. By drawing attention away from actually existing efforts of atmospheric experimentation and manipulation, such as coordinated efforts are complicit in the impending environmental catastrophe they profess to be rallying against. The repeated claim of CO2 driven climate change without acknowledgment of geo engineering related environmental intervention is a severe perversion of both meaningful scientific inquiry and public opinion with overwhelming implications for all life on earth. While scientists continue research int any global climatic effects of greenhouse gases, we ought to study ways to offset any possible ill effects. Injecting sunlight scattering particles into the stratosphere appears to be a promising approach. Why not do that? Edward Teller: To accept opinions in their terms is to gain the good solid feeling of being correct without having to think. "C Wright Mills: For anyone who looks at the sky so often while fostering some recollection of what a sunny day used to resemble, the reality of geo-engineering what are often referred to as chem-trails van no longer be be easily dismissed. For over a decade military and private jet aircraft have been spraying our skies with what numerous independent researchers, journalists, and activists observe to be an admixture of aluminum, barium, strontium, and other dangerous heavy metals. Such substances distributed into the atmosphere as microscopic sub-particulates eventually descend to earth, where they are breathed by living things and absorbed by the soil and plant life. A glimpse into new death technologies intended to modify weather and the environment is in legislation intended to modify weather and the environment is in legislation introduced by Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich, investigative writer Amy Worthington wrote almost a decade ago.       

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