
James Petras: The Final Solution to the Palestine Question

For the past forty five years, the state of Israel has been dispossessing millions of Palestinians living in the Occupied Territories, confiscating their lands, destroying homes, bulldozing orchards and setting up Jews only colonial settlements serviced by highways, electrical systems and water works for the exclusive use of the settlers and occupying soldiers. The process of Israeli territorial expansion throughout the West Bank and East Jerusalem has greatly accelerated in recent years, converting Palestinian held territory into non viable isolated enclaves like South Africa's Bantustan's surrounded by the Israeli soldiers who protect violent settler vigilantes as they assault and harass Palestinian farmers at work in their fields, beat Arab children on their way to school, pelt Palestinian housewives as they hang their laundry, and then invade and defecate in Palestinian mosques and churches. The Rage and Rape of Gaza and its Apologists! Israel's strategic goal is to impose Greater Israel on the region, to take over all of historical Palestine, expel the entire non Jewish population and subsidize Jews only settlements (for settler immigrants, often from the US and former USSR). While bulldozers and tanks have dispossessed Palestinians in the West Bank for decades, the launching of thousands of missiles and bombs have become the weapons of choice for uprooting and eliminating the Palestinians in Gaza. In just eight days, Israel's latest "blitzkrieg" resulted in the killing of 168 Palestinians, (42 children and 100 civilians), the wounding of 1,235, the destruction of over 1,350 buildings and the further traumatizing of over 1.7 million children, women and men fenced in the world's largest concentration camp. According to the Israeli Defense Minister, the Jewish State dropped a thousand times more bombs on Gaza than the Palestinians fired back into Israel. The current Israeli offensive began with the gruesome assassination of a prominent Hamas leader,  Ahmed Jabari, and immediately escalated into an assault on the entire Palestinian population of Gaza. 

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