
Jim W. Dean: Is a WMD free Mid East a Cruel Charade?

The US helping Israel Hide its WMD Programs has been a Foreign Policy Disaster and Must be Reversed. The December conference on making the Mideast a WMD free zone has been postponed, to no one's surprise. I fear this negotiation will become a competitor to the two state solution. By that I mean it would go on and on for decades, until there is no more room to build settlements and all Arabs have been run out of Jerusalem. Initial reports of an expected delay appeared November 13th on Global Security News-wire, but insiders all knew that nothing was going to happen with Syria still in play, Israeli elections looming,, and the Gaza flare up just around the corner. Of course Israel, the WMD threat to everyone, has not not even committed to attend. I suspect there will be lots of roadblock pre condition demands, like no discussion of Israel's weapons of mass destruction programs, and who has assisted them, officially and unofficially: Declassified American intelligence revealed the pre 1948 War Israelis were hunting chemical weapons in war torn Europe to use on the Arabs. France teamed up to work with them on their early nuclear program. Later the British, Germans and Americans would come in, allowing nuclear material and technology to be stolen and smuggled to Israel in a variety of ways. Things really picked up speed with Lyndon Johnson, who turned the spigot on, trading nuclear technology and material for solid Jewish support come election time. Little did we know back then, that this would become a national support, betraying weapons technology not only for getting re elected, but advancing one's political career in Congress toward getting the most powerful committee chairmanships. Victoria Nuland, US State Department. The language used in the conference delay press reports was almost comical to a degree. Victoria Nuland of the US State Department said," We would not support a conference in which any regional state would be subject to pressure or isolation."

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