
Joshua Holland: Six Excuses In Case Obama Beats Romney

Obviously, Fraud. There have already been a slew of stories in the conservative media about unauthorized immigrants who were registered to vote. Not that they voted, This is being pushed by William Gheen, a belligerent anti immigrant hard liner who runs ALIPAC."Conservatives" have been predicting a Romney blow out for weeks, because polling is like climate science, a total hoax: The headline of the week goes to Rush Limbaugh: "Everything except the polls points to a Romney Landslide". Now is the day when we find out the result, and their reputations are on the line. Nobody in the conservative media ever pays a price for being perennially wrong! There's more at stake than personal pride, of course. Conservatism must be defended. Although Mitt Romney selected Paul Ryan, embraced his budget, offered foreign policy that boiled down to being really belligerent and increasing military spending, said Arizona's immigration law, is a model for the country, and cut ads for two politicians who implied that rape is God's will and therefore no excuse for getting an abortion, it will never be that the campaign lost because of its severely conservative positions. It must be something else: Here are six something else's that conservatives are already teeing up to be the Real Reason the Kenyan Interloper won:  immigrants who were registered to vote, not that they voted. This is being pushed by William Gheen, a belligerent anti immigrant hard liner who runs ALIPAC. 2. Voter Suppression. Yes, irony is dead. Voter Suppression was the headline for a breathless Fox News story about that one guy, the one called "the new Black Panthers" who is apparently standing outside a Philadelphia polling place doing nothing in particular except being Scary and Black. 3. Mitt Romney's to the left of Dennis Kucinich. Obviously, Mitt's purportedly "moderate" reputation will be primarily to blame. It's unclear what evidence there is that Romney is a moderate, other than the fact that he Etch sketched into one.   

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