
Larry Chin: Has the Election already been Stolen?

For at least the past four decades, the American election process has been controlled by corporations and agents connected to the Republican Party. This year's contest is no different. Voter suppression campaigns have been underway across America, by Republican operatives. Nothing is being done to stop it. Mitt Romney has direct ties to voting machines. His son, Tagg Romney, who wanted to punch Barack Obama in the face, and a cadre of former Bain Capital business partners are owners of Hart Intercivic, whose voting machines are used in all fifty states. And this is just one of the many companies with ties to the right wing, which include Diebold, ES&S, and Sequoia. In 2004, Diebolds Walden ODell promised to deliver votes to George W Bush. His machines did, stealing what should have been a John Kerry win. To this day, American democracy remains privatized and hackable. Nothing has been done about it. Theft continues unabated. Backlash and cover up: The few investigators who keep bringing exhaustive factual evidence of vote fraud to light have been attacked as conspiracy theorists by corporate media gatekeepers, and ignored by officials. These same accusers have refused to lift a finger to verify any of the facts. The progressive establishment Left has joined in this cover up. The Democratic Party affiliated Center for American Progress, and its site Think-Progress, recently attacked reporter Brad Freeman for raising questions about Romney's ties to voting machines. Why is the establishment Left dissuading their own constituents from waking up? Going back to the days of "COINTELPRO" and Operation Mockingbird, the Left gate keeping apparatus has long operated as a system of controlled dissent, offering channels to express certain ideas, but smashing down factual truths that deemed truly threatening to their agenda. The notion that American democracy, the vote, is thoroughly corrupted is such a threat. Unfortunately, it is the fact.

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