
Prof Rodrigue Tremblay: Four More Years for Obama

Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. Theodore Roosevelt, 1858-1919, 26th President of the United States, 1901-1909. "We have used our taxpayer dollars not only to subsidize these banks, but also to subsidize the creditors of those banks." Elizabeth Warren, Democratic senatorial candidate in Massachusetts and Harvard professor. "We're  not very far from the level where the economy is not self sustaining." Ben Bernanke, Fed Governor, Sunday, December 5, 2010 - on CBS 60 Minutes. US officials have relayed to a "very senior Israeli figure that, in the eyes of the Democratic administration, Netanyahu is perceived as campaigning on behalf of Mitt Romney. Yossi Verter, September 2012, Israeli journalist writing in Haaretz. American voters must be congratulated for their democratic decision in this 2012 election for giving President Barack Obama a second chance, even if it was done within a close margin. Indeed, President Barack Obama not only defeated his Republican opponent, but he overcame a concerted effort to defeat him by right wing billionaires, buttressed by the US Supreme Court's decision of January 19, 2010 to open the gate for unlimited corporate money in US elections. A majority of Americans have decided not to give more power to the super wealthy in the US government as compared to the huge influence that they already have. During this campaign, President Obama was subjected to some not so subtle racist attacks that he had to sidestep. Similarly, Barack Obama overcame the efforts by a powerful foreign politician, ie Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, to replace him. Indeed, Netanyahu shamelessly and openly campaigned against the incumbent American president, and he enrolled the powerful pro Israeli lobby and its neocon cohort in the media in that endeavor. His incendiary war statements also had the effect of pushing up oil prices, thus weakening the US economy at a crucial political time for the President. A Romney win could easily have been viewed as a Netanyahu electoral victory in the US.       

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