
Shamus Cooke: Why is Obama Silent Over the New Congo War?

The last Congo War that ended in 2003 killed 5.4 million people, the worst humanitarian disaster since World War II. The killing was directly enabled by international silence over the issue. The war was ignored and the causes obscured because governments were backing groups involved in the fighting. Now a new Congo war has begun and the silence is, again, deafening. President Obama seems not to have noticed a new war has broken out in the war scarred Congo. He appears blind to the refugee crisis and the war crimes committed by the invading M23 militia against the democratically elected government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). But appearances can be deceiving. The US government has their bloody hands all over this conflict, just as they did during the last Congo war, when Bill Clinton was President. President Obama's inaction is a conscious act of encouragement for the invaders, just as Clinton's was. Instead of Obama denouncing the invasion and the approaching overthrow of a democratically elected government, silence becomes a very powerful action of international complicity on the side of the invaders. Why would Obama do this? The invaders are armed and financed by Rwanda, a 'strong ally' and puppet of the United States. The United Nations released a report conclusively proving that the Rwandan government is backing the rebels, but the US government and the US media cartoonishly pretend that the issue is debatable.  The last Congo War that killed 5.4 million people was also the result of the US backed invading armies of Rwanda and Uganda, as explained in the excellently researched book Africa's World War, by French journalist Gerard Prunier. In fact, many of the same Rwandan war criminals involved in thr last Congo War, such as Bosco Ntanganda, are in charge of the M23 militia and wanted for war crimes by the UN international criminal court. The current Rwandan president, Paul Kagame, is a "good friend" of the US government, and one of the most notorious war criminals on the planet, due to his leading roles in the Rwandan genocide and consequent Congo War. A group of Congolese and Rwandan activists have been demanding that Kagame be tried for his key role in the Rwandan genocide. 

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