
Stephen Lendman: Collaborating With The Enemy!

Previous articles explained Abbas' longtime collaboration with Israel. He sold out long ago for whatever benefits he derives. He's Israel's enforcer. He ill serves and insults Palestinians. His presidency is illegitimate. Israel rigged his 2005 election. In January 2009, his term expired. He is still in office. At least for now, Washington and Israel want him there. He's more stooge than statesman. He's a duplicitous puppet. He replicates fascist Quisling Norway, Vichy France, and other Nazi controlled collaborationist regimes. Instead of serving his people, he betrayed them. He subverts Palestine's liberating struggle. Collaborating with the enemy is treason. Abbas and like-minded Fatah officials are guilty on multiple counts. What did he know and when, about Pillar of Cloud? He knew about Cast Lead in advance. On November 30, 2010, Reuters headlined "Israel says Abbas. Egypt warned on Gaza war, leaks," saying : Ahead of Cast Lead, Israel ''conferred with the Western backed Palestinian leadership and with Egypt" Leaked US diplomatic cables quoted a senior Israeli official confirming it. Haaretz reported the same thing. Mubarak and Abbas were briefed in advance. Haaretz said "Israel tried to coordinate the Gaza war with the Palestinian authority." Wiki Leaks released US diplomatic cables confirming it. In June 2009, months before Cast Lead, Israeli Defense Minister Barak met with US congressional members. He also "consulted with Egypt prior to Operation Cast Lead, asking if they were willing to assume control of Gaza once Israel defeated Hamas." He "received negative answers from both." Previous leaked information reported the same thing. Wiki Leaks provided "the first documented proof." Abbas denied getting advance word. He lied. Mubarak said nothing either way. Reuters said Abbas "urged Israel to crush Hamas during the war." Avigdor Lieberman held ministerial positions under Sharon and Ehud Olmert. In April 2009, he became Netanyahu's Foreign Minister.     

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