
Stephen Lendman: Israeli Terror Attacks, Day 6

Israeli terror attacks continue. They're merciless. Defenseless civilians are targeted. It's official policy in all Israeli conflicts. Besieged Gazans are sitting ducks.Where can they go? How can they hide? What can they do but pray they'll survive? Many won't. Through midday Monday, Haaretz reported 95 Gazan deaths. Another report said 97. These numbers will rise. Nearly 700 were injured. The great majority are civilian men, women, children, infants and the elderly. Many others are missing. They're presumed buried under rubble. Dozens of Israeli sorties are flown daily. Devastation is left in their wake. A single Israeli strike killed three generations of one family. Eleven Palestinians died. All were civilians. Israel targeted their home. It was totally demolished. Jamal Dalu was away when it happened. He lost his wife, two daughters, a sister, a daughter in law, four grand children aged two to six, and two neighbors. IDF spokesman General Yoav Mordechai contemptuously said "military officials" were "examining the event." Targeting was deliberate. Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh called it a "massacre." It was cold blooded murder. So is Israel's entire campaign. Senior Hamas spokesman Salama Maroof said: "Israel has killed a family of eleven people this evening, and many, many more. If Israel wants to stop its aggression, then we can talk, but before then, how could we consider any deal?" Haaretz covered what happened. It headlined "As IDF kills entire family in Gaza, Israel is starting to get in trouble." Contributor Avi Issacharoff compared what happened to Israel's massacre of 57 Kafr Qana village civilians during its 2006 Lebanon war. Thirty seven children died. Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora called bombing Kafr Qana a "heinous crime" committed by "Israeli war criminals." The atrocity enraged people worldwide. Israeli state terror made headlines. Then Prime Minister Ehud Olmert lied, saying "The village and its surrounding areas were a source for launching hundreds of rockets." Israeli UN ambassador Dan Gillerman's vicious lie mocked the victims, saying: Hezbollah was responsible for "using women and children as human shields." During Cast Lead and other times, Israel was caught red-handed using Palestinians as human shields. Israeli soldiers broke the silence. They admitted what goes on. 

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