
James F Tracy: The Newtown School Tragedy!

More than one gunman? It is now beyond question that the assassinations of John F Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr all involved patsies, additional gunmen and perhaps mass media complicity to achieve their political ends. Along these lines, and in a fashion now characteristic of how such public executions are framed, the observations and analyses of citizen journalists and alternative media suggest how coverage of the Newtown Connecticut school shooting was substantially altered in the several hours and days following the event. After the 1995 Murrah Federal Building bombing, central elements that would help the citizenry make sense of the event, such as unexploded ordnance found in the structure and Timothy McVeigh's accomplice, were stricken from the official narrative. Along these lines at the probable behest of government authorities, a second gunman accompanying Jared Lee Loughner in 2011 was quickly tossed down the memory hole by news outlets covering the incident. Similar reportorial lapses took place at the Aurora Colorado massacre last July, where eyewitnesses attested to spotting James Holmes collaborators, or handlers inside the theater. When the news media act as willing partners in such acts, the public becomes an unwitting accessory in its own psychic imprisonment, lulled into the notion that fair play still exists, and public servants remain intent on service. One of the most important red flags of a staged shooting is a second gunman, health science and investigative writer Mike Adams observes, indicating the shooting was coordinated and planned. There are often mind control elements at work in many of these shootings. James Holmes, for example, was a graduate student actually working on mind control technologies funded by the US government. There were also chemical mind control elements linked to Jared Lee Loughner. Several independent researchers, and most recently Infowars.com reporter Rob Dew have over the past few days pointed to evidence strongly suggesting how two additional Sandy Hook shooting suspects were apprehended by police in the minutes following 9:35 AM, when officers were dispatched to the elementary school. Recordings of the 911 dispatcher and the first responders to the campus all but wholly corroborate initial reports of at least two persons attempting to flee from the scene, with audio evidence of law enforcement officers actually encountering the suspected assailants at around 9:40 AM. Excerpts were replayed on Fox News the evening of December 14.   

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