
Jim W. Dean: Israel Activates American 5th column

for Sandy Hook damage control. The Veterans Today site counts Gush Shalom, founder Uri Avnery and rabid anti Israel activist Gilad Atzmon as writers, Ilan Ben Zion, The Times of Israel, First published in Press TV, December 19, 2012.  This article was a follow up to Gordon Duff's on Press TV,  which went viral and became the most read article in Press TV history. It triggered a quick and organized Israeli Lobby smear campaign before the day was done, which we enjoyed. It began 36 hours ago during a TV interview about gun control, with an angry American radio show host, Mike Harris, made his case for Israeli complicity in the Connecticut school killings. Mike based his feelings on the recent Gaza outrages, access to Intel reports on the Berwick killings in Norway, backed by a wealth of circumstantial evidence that raised very serious questions, but did not "close." Mike based his feelings on the recent Gaza outrages, access to Intel reports on the Berwick killings in Norway, backed by a wealth of evidence that raised very serious questions, but did not "close." Then Gordon Duff wrote a short article on the Harris interview, giving some background, but stayed well short of endorsing Harris' conclusions. Today Duff's article went viral on Press TV. It hit a nerve, the UN votes, Gaza bombings, the world was, it seemed, ready to blame Israel for whom killing children has been part of their state defense policy for some time. What can put the "Israeli stamp of approval" on a preemptive attack more than killing children, right? In the intelligence world especially, Israel has a very long history of state terrorism, going back to their pre 1948 war market basket bombs. Many of their top leaders came up through their terrorist ranks, where having murdered people was considered a resume enhancer to the voters. Every counter intelligence officer and analyst working the Israel desk carries around a mental encyclopedia of the methods used in every Israeli attack on record, including those the public is unaware of. When any nation, group, company, be it a bank, insurance company or even a political party needs a convenient car bombing, no matter which side or who or what dies, you cab always hire Israelis. They have a reputation. When they blow things up, they stay "blown up."      

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