
Jim W. Dean: Israel's deep cover agents inside the IAEA

Why the IAEA is an ongoing fraud, a tool to be used against some, or a free pass for others. Would Israel have a reason to penetrate the IAEA? Oh yes, I said it. And I will say it again. The IAEA is an ongoing fraud. Why? Because it has become totally politicized and I strongly suspect, an intelligence asset for someone. I will give you a homework assignment of figuring out who. In intelligence analysis you generally use a dual track approach of reviewing what can be seen, and then, what is often more revealing, what you don't see that you should. The IAEA's main qualification for the Nobel Prize fake international agency medal is its many years of secret service to the Israeli weapons of mass destruction programs. And what service is that, you ask? It is giving the Zios a free pass on any mention of their decades long programs, in effect putting their stamp of approval on offensive WMD proliferation. Excuse me if I have a little problem with this. I cannot think of another organization that has failed so miserably in its appointed purpose, but therein the plot begins to thicken. Why would the IAEA continue to be funded, while not being able to discover and report to the world about the Zionist weapons hoard that we all knew they had? After all, American intelligence, declassified and classified, has always concluded that Israel had had complete conventional military superiority over all of its neighbors. This left only one reason for its long running investment in all of these WMD programs, their offensive threat value. Now why would an organization like the IAEA not want to discover a threat like this? Could it be that it is working with a group that is selective about what threats are spotlighted, and which are not? After all, the Israeli WMD was an obvious incentive for surrounding nations to try to have some kind of a retaliatory deterrent. Would Israel have a reason to penetrate the IAEI? Oh yes, I said it. And I will say it again. The IAEA is an ongoing fraud. Why? Because it has become totally politicized, and I strongly suspect, an intelligence asset for someone. I will give you a homework assignment of figuring out who. In intelligence analysis you generally use a dual track approach of reviewing what you can be seen, and then, what is often more revealing, what you don't see that you should.  

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