
Jim W. Dean: Lieberman Plays His EU Holocaust Card

Isreal's Racist Foreign Minister pretends to be anti-holocaust, when he is really pro holocaust for Palestinians. Corruption indictment has sidelined Lieberman, but I think he will be back, like the Terminator. The Likud Mafia is still resorting to the old 'good guy, bad guy' interrogation tactic. Netanyahu led with his expected response to the EU Palestinian vote in the UN,'it changes nothing'. And when the 27 EU countries formally denounced the settlement expansion, he claimed that it should in no way obstruct starting peace negotiations. To follow this opening act Bibi sent foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman out to do some public relations work, representing Israel's racist and fascist ministries. This was supposed to make Bibi look like a moderate, but people are wise to this old game. As a long time observer of Israeli and Jewish Lobby guilt tripping tactics, I knew the holocaust card was going to be trotted out once again. Jews the world over love to be reminded of their special victim status, in their own heads anyway, and it is a good vote getter. 'Evet', as Lieberman is called in Russian, did not disappoint. When asked during an interview with Israel Radio what his feelings were on the EU's united opposition to the new round of settlement construction in Jerusalem (Al Quds) he replied: "Europe once again in history is ignoring calls to destroy the state of Israel. Europe is keeping silent. We have been through this with Europe at the end of the 1093's and in the 1940's." Mr. Lieberman seems to have the situation confused. It is not the Jews who are in the largest prison camp on earth, 1,5 million people in Gaza. It is not Jews who are being bombed by Hamas F-16's and GPS guided munitions paid for by the people of Europe to support their cleansing of the last Zionist invaders. Hamas does not have the decades old WMD programs, nuclear submarines, and soon to arrive ten warhead ICBM's being jointly developed with India. I don't think Mr Lieberman is into the hate racism lifestyle: Love Palestine, hate racism. One people, one World! It is militant Israelis, along with their Russian Pretend a Jews, who have been working to finish the 65 year holocausting of the Palestinian state. Let's go ahead and give them a new name, one that describes what they do. Let's call them the Neo-holocausters. If they sue us for libel, we can then bring all our evidence into court, and have some real fun!

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