
Kourosh Ziabari: America's Power Game. Iranian People Victims!

of US Economic Sanctions. Iran's nuclear program seems to have reached a dead end. Iranian officials have politically invested a lot on the country's nuclear program, which was initially set in motion 6 decades ago, when President Dwight D Eisenhower decided to help his close friend Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi construct the first nuclear reactors in Iran, and it seems to be embarrassing for the Iranian government to announce out of the blue that they don't want to pursue nuclear technology anymore, which will give the West a pretext to launch a new psychological war against Tehran, and trumpet this victory that it has retreated from its position, and from the other hand, the obdurate United States and its European allies have not indicated that there mind and come to terms with a nuclear Iran. The reality is, that if the United States and its European allies had compelling evidence that Iran is developing nuclear weapons, they would not hesitate for a moment to launch a military strike against Iran's nuclear facilities, and what troubles them is that Iran is not seeking nuclear weapons. The only reason for the decade long controversy over Iran's nuclear program, is that the two sides of the conflict are engaged in a power game, and nobody likes to be the loser in this erosive confrontation. Acquiring nuclear technology will promote Iran to the level of a regional superpower and a serious rival for Israel, and this is something which the West cannot tolerate. However, it seems that the ordinary Iranian citizens are the only victims of this power game and charade of double standards. The US government, which shamefully protects Israel's undeclared nuclear arsenal, and sides with Israel every time that the international community decides to demand Israel to legalize its nuclear activities, such as in the case of the recent UN General Assembly resolution, has pulled out all the stops to prevent Iran from nuclear technology, while even the intelligence agencies inside the United States have admitted that Iran is not developing nuclear weapons or intending to do so. The 2012 National Intelligence Estimates reports refuted the allegations that Iran's nuclear program has a military dimension. Even the International Atomic Energy Agency has never published any reports that Iran is moving towards developing nuclear weapons, except for the claims that Iran is not fully cooperating with the agency, but the United States and its allies are hell bent of punishing Iran for the crime it has not committed, and have targeted Iran with backbreaking economic sanctions, which are taking a heavy toll on the innocent Iranian people, and almost paralyzing the Iranian society and its economy.     

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