
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya: The Geopolitical Chess Game behind the Israeli Attack on Gazay

The recent hostilities between the Gaza Strip and Israel have to be viewed in context of a broader geopolitical chessboard. The events in Gaza are tied to Syria and the US's regional alliance system. Syria has been compromised as a conduit for weapons to Gaza, because of its domestic instability. Israel has capitalized on this politically and militarily. Bejamin Netanyahu has not only tried to secure his own election victory in the Knesset through an attack on Gaza, but has used the US sponsored instability in Syria as an opportunity to try and target the arms stockpiles of the Palestinians. Netanyahu calculated that Gaza will not be able to rearm itself, while Syria and its allies are distracted. The bombing of the Yarmouk arms factory in Sudan, which Israel says was owned by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, was probably part of this plan and a prelude to Israels attack on Gaza. In this chess game, sit the so called "Moderates", a misleading label jointly utilized by Messrs George W Bush Jr, and Tony Blair to whitewash their regional cabal of tyrants and backward regimes alongside the Obama Administration and NATO. These so called Moderates include the desert dictators of the feudal Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Jordan, Mahmoud Abbas, and Turkey. In 2011, the ranks of the Moderates were augmented by the NATO installed government of Libya, and the GCC/NATO supported anti government militias that were unleashed in Syria. On the other side of the chessboard defiantly sits the Resistance Bloc composed of Iran, Syria, Hezbollah partners in Lebanon, like Amal and the Free Patriotic Movement, the so called Palestinian Rejectionist's, and Iraq. The Muslim Brotherhood, which has emerged as a new regional force, is being increasingly prodded into the Moderate camp by the US and the GCC, in an attempt to ultimately play the sectarian card against the Resistance Bloc. Israels attack on Gaza was a litmus test. All those voices continuously pushing for America's McJihad against the Syrian government in the name of freedom vanished from their podiums or suddenly went silent, when Israel attacked Gaza. Al Jazeeras tele- preacher Yusuf Al Qaradawi and Saudi Arabias dictator selected Grand Mufti Abdul Aziz went silent. Adnan Al Arour, the Saudi based exiled kooky Syrian cleric who,as one of the spiritual heads of the Syrian anti government forces, has threatened to punish anyone who says that Al Qaeda is among their ranks, and even berated Hamas and the Palestinians for fighting Israel. The fighting in Gaza really placed them in a fix. Here we see the contradictions in their Arab Spring. We now see who really pays lip service to Palestinian liberation and who does not. Moreover, the foreign supporters of the Syrian National Coalition, a rehash of the Syrian National Council, are ironically all supporters of Israel.       

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