
Michel Chossudovsky: The Mayan 2012 Prophecy

Orwellian "End of the World" Doomsday is "Made in America". The 2012 Mayan Prophecy has been readily distorted and misunderstood. The End of the Mayan Calendar on December 21, 2012 has nothing to do with the "End of the World". In fact, the Mayan calendar does not end on December 21st. Rather, December 21 marks the beginning of a new "Long Cycle" in the Mayan calendar system. The End of the World concept is a falsehood and misinterpretation of Mayan thought. What is at stake is a renewal, the unfolding of a new era. For the Mayans, December 21 marks the beginning of a new long cycle. Meanwhile, "End of the World" stories and commentary are plastered on the news tabloids. While the Western media readily refutes the Mayan prophesy, the apocalypse narrative, when repeated ad nauseam, serves as a distraction and distortion. A Reuters Ispos poll conducted last May confirms that 10% of the World's population believe that. "The Mayan calendar, which some say ends in 2012, marks the end of the world". Ironically, in sharp contrast to the Mayan prophesy of "renewal, the real World we live in at the outset of the 21st Century is marked by a formidable economic and social crisis, which is impoverishing millions of people, literally destroying people's lives. In the figurative sense, we are in the midst of an unfolding "doomsday scenario"of a complex political, social and economic nature: it's man made, it's "Made in America", it is the consequence of the fracture of the judicial system, the evolving Homeland Security apparatus, the fraudulent deregulation of financial markets, the mismanagement of the real economy. These fundamental shifts in America's institutional and social fabric are coupled with a far reaching global military agenda, and a self serving US foreign policy. The latter under the helm of Secretary Hillary Clinton points towards a potential breakdown of the channels of international diplomacy. War and Economic Crisis are intimately related. While the global economy is in a state of chaos, marked by the collapse of productive systems, the US and its allies, including NATO and Israel, have embarked upon a military adventure, a long war under the disguise of a "global war on terrorism". The Pentagons global military design is one of world conquest. The military deployment of US NATO forces is occurring in several regions of the world simultaneously. Pentagon war games routinely focus on simulating World War III scenarios. This "End of the World" military agenda potentially threatens the future of humanity.    

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