
Opposition wins full recognition from Friends of Syria

Western powers have bestowed full political recognition to the Syrian opposition, reflecting a hardening consensus the 20 month old uprising might be nearing a tipping point. Meeting in the Moroccan city of Marrakesh as rebels battled Bashar al Assad's troops on the outskirts of his Damascus power base, the "Friends of Syria" group called on the president to step aside, and warned him against using chemical weapons. Hours earlier, President Barack Obama announced that Washington would now recognize the newly formed coalition of opposition groups as Syria's legitimate representative, joining France, Britain, Turkey and Gulf states. "Participants acknowledge the National Coalition as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people, and the umbrella organization under which the Syrian opposition are gathering," said the draft declaration obtained by Reuters. The gathering brings together many Western and Arab nations opposed to Mr Assad, whose family has ruled Syria for 42 years, but it excludes Russia, China and Iran, which have backed Assad or blocked efforts to tighten international pressure on him. "Bashar al Assad has lost legitimacy, and should stand aside to allow a sustainable political transition," said the text. Referring to Western intelligence reports suggesting Assad might use chemical and biological weapons, they said "any use of chemical weapons in Syria would be abhorrent, and that this would draw a serious response from the international community". They announced the creation of a relief fund "to support the Syrian people", calling on states and organizations to make contributions to the fund. Participants also called on the UN Security Council, which has been paralyzed by the major powers' disagreements over Syria, to come up with "a meaningful and robust response" to the crisis, and urged countries that support Assad to "reconsider their positions". Although the text made no explicit commitment to arm the rebels, a diplomat following the talks said participants agreed on "the legitimate need of the Syrian people to defend itself against the violent and brutal regime of Bashar al Assad".  

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