
Stephen Lendman: Four More Years of War!

Expect Obama to prioritize advancing America's imperium. He did aggressive in term one. New wars are planned. Current ones won't end. Proxy ones continue. So does increasing America's global military footprint. Fiscal cliff hype is about greater force fed austerity to free up more funds for America's war machine. Waging them isn't cheap. Profiteers depend on wasteful spending to boost bottom line performance. It pays to have friends in high places. They assure all the billions wanted. Social America is being sacrificed to provide them. Over the next decade, trillions of dollars will shift from people needs to war making, generous corporate handouts, tax breaks for the rich, and hardened homeland repression against nonbelievers. At the same time, deficits will keep rising exponentially. Hype about urgently cutting them is fake. Post 9/11 has been the worst of times. Expect more of the same on steroids ahead. Conditions today are the most perilous in world history. Global war is possible. The threat is real and ominous. Open discussion is suppressed. Media scoundrels won't touch it, nor do they explain Project Censored top Censored 2013 story: "Signs of an Emerging Police State." It began pre 9/11, accelerated under Bush, then Obama exceeded his extremism. Tyranny in America is a hair's breadth from full blown. For those affected,it arrived long ago. Project Censored's number 4 story is: "FBI Agents Responsible for Majority of Terrorist Plots in the United States." Innocent people are wrongly imprisoned. Media scoundrels convict them in the court of public opinion. Other top censored stories include criminalizing nonviolent protests, corporate predators running the global economy, Federal Reserve money printing madness, enriching Wall Street, Washington joining forces with Al Qaeda, prison slavery, wrecking public education by privatizing it, and NATO war crimes in Libya, but it's much the same wherever this killing machine shows up. Media scoundrel managed news suppresses these and other vital truths people most need to know. Instead, they get The New York Times running cover for Obama's foreign policy by praising what it should condemn.

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