
Stephen Lendman: NNC's News Interviews Lendman!!

NNC's Iman Soleimani conducted the interview. He did another last October. US foreign policy, its phony war on terror, its human rights record, imperial wars, belligerent diplomacy, and anti Iranian agenda were discussed. NNC (Namavaran Network Corporation) initially operated as a cultural and publishing institute. It trained bilingual journalists working with foreign media. More recently it began "giving press services to foreign media by recruiting its trained journalists." It's now one of Iran's largest media operations. It works collaboratively with major TV and News services. Questions and answers are below. Editing was done as needed. Final comments follow. NNC: Can we call the dominant pattern of US foreign policy realistic? Lendman: Longstanding US foreign policy seeks unchallenged global dominance.. Perhaps US leaders call that realistic. It's barbaric, hugely destructive, and lawless. Ultimately it won't work. America's decline and fall accelerates. One day, humanity may go down with it. US strategy includes toppling independent governments. It want's subservient pro Western puppet ones replacing them. Post 9/11, every country America attacked was independent. So are Syria, Iran, and others on Washington's target list. Lots remain to feed America's rage to fight. When other methods fail, war is the bottom line option of choice. Throughout world history, nations that adopted this strategy failed. Overreach and overspending toppled them. America is no different. Nor is Israel. Living by the sword assures one day perishing by it. NNC: In your opinion, are concepts like fighting terrorism and promoting democracy merely cover for the pursuit of US interests? Lendman: America's so called war on terrorism is phony. Ronald Reagan waged his own version on "international terrorism." The dirty game repeats. It involves creating enemies when none exist, stoking fear, and waging imperial wars. Permanent war is official US policy. Washington spends more on militarism and war-making than all other nations combined. At the same time, vital homeland needs go begging. America maintains the world's largest military capability by far. With all categories included, over $1.5 trillion annually is spent on so called defense. The Department of Homeland Security is included. So are 16 intelligence agencies.

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