
Allen L Roland: Obama's War On Terror is Orwell's

Never ending War on Terror. What started as a War on Terror in Afghanistan, has now become the front for an Orwellian never ending War of Terror, which is rapidly draining the heart, resources and spirit of America. As George Orwell had once reported: War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it. Wikipedia defines Perpetual war as such "Perpetual war refers to a lasting state of war, with no clear ending conditions. It also describes a situation of ongoing tension that seems likely to escalate at any moment, similar to the Cold War." The obvious goal of Obama's perpetual war is economic control and manipulation, which has been more than borne out by the neo colonialism war of terror being waged by the west in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and eventually Iran, with the obvious intent of Regime Change. As Peter Symond's correctly points out in WSWS, "Afghanistan has been the testing ground for 21st Century neo-colonialism. The occupation has set the pattern for US led operations in Iraq, Libya and now Syria, as Washington seeks to extend its economic and strategic dominance in the energy rich regions of the Middle East and Central Asia." In the landmark George Orwell novel Nineteen Eighty Four, Eurasia is described as having "always been at perpetual war with Eastasia", a fictional super state in Orwell's novel, but far from fictional in America's current war of terror in the Middle East. Obviously, the model for 21st century neo-colonialism is Afghanistan, America's current longest standing occupation, and so called 12 year war on terror. Claims that the US occupation will end in 2014 are most certainly refuted by obvious plans for an indefinite American military presence in Afghanistan. According to the New York Times, "General Allen, the top commander in Afghanistan, has submitted three options to the Pentagon for the period after the supposed withdrawal of "combat troops" at the end of 2014. One is to maintain US troop levels at 6,000, another calls for 10,000 soldiers, and the third is based on a force of 20,000.     

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