
Colin Todhunter: The Cancer Cash Cycle. The Causes of Cancer

and ill health. Cancer is big business. Despite massive public screening campaigns and talk of cures, cancer rates continue to soar, and certain companies not only profit from making the chemicals that cause cancer, but also from selling the drugs that treat it. The 2010 documentary 'Cut, Poison, Burn' provides revealing insight into the medical monopoly of cancer treatment, as a four year old boy who was diagnosed with brain cancer was compelled to undergo a system of chemo, surgery and radiation, against his parent's wishes. He was not allowed access to a proven method of alternative treatment. The medical system's response was callous. The authorities threatened to take the boy into custody, and charged his parents with child abuse, if the medical option was not opted for. The boy's death certificate states his cause of death as: "respiratory failure due to chronic toxicity of chemotherapy". It is easy to conclude after watching the film, that what we have here is some kind of corrupt racket. Indeed, the 2009 documentary 'The Idiot Cycle' alleges that some of the world's top cancer causing culprits (including, it is claimed in the film, Bayer, BASF, Dow, Dupont, Monsanto, Syngenta, Novartis, Pfizer, among others), are allegedly profiting from the production of cancer causing products, and then some of the same companies are investing in profitable cancer 'treatments'. These claims outlined in the movie remain to be fully verified. On top of this, some of these companies are now developing genetically modified crops, which have never been adequately tested for long term health impacts like cancer. The onset of the disease is frequently 15 to 20 years down the road for victims. Prior to undertaking his recent study into the health impacts of GMOs, and incurring the wrath of the GMO sector for his findings, Gilles Eric Seralini, professor of molecular biology at the University of Caen in France, said it was absurd that only three months of testing allowed GM corn to be approved in over a dozen nations. Upon reviewing Monsanto's raw data, he and his team found, among other problems, liver damage and physiological changes into a pre-diabetic condition among the rats which had eaten Monsanto's GM corn, and that is just from three months of eating such food.  

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