
Dr. Ismail Salami: US Weaves Nuclear Fairy Tale on Iran

In a 155 page report, four US nuclear experts have called upon the Obama administration to impose tougher economic sanctions against Iran, and resort to overt operations through using warplanes and missiles on Iranian nuclear sites. Apart from the fact that morbid mindset of this nature only helps fan up chaos, and serves as an impetus to widespread pandemonium in the region, any mention of any such policy, let alone an adoption of it will gradually terminate in an endless array of military legitimizations. Co-authered  by Mark Dubowitz, who runs the Zionist controlled Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD) and David Albright, a physicist who heads the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), and who is responsible for concocting lies and myths about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction, and drawing the country into an abysmal vortex of destruction and devastation, the report can be but seen in the light of yet another overtly brash attempt by the US to push ahead with further militarism in the Middle East. Dubbed as 'US Nonproliferation Strategy for the Changing Middle East,' the report falls short of mentioning any other Middle Eastern countries, which may be seeking a nuclear weapons program, and instead focuses heavily on the Islamic Republic of Iran. The authors of the conspiratorial report urge Washington to "undertake additional overt preparations for the use of warplanes and-or missiles to destroy regime change in Syria, and deepening Iran's diplomatic isolation." Naturally, the words have been deliberately and carefully chosen in the report. By 'overt preparations', the authors explicitly admit that the US government has in the past used 'covert operations' as well ie, assassinating Iranian nuclear scientists, and infiltrating and disrupting the computer systems. Somewhere in the report, the authors unambiguously refer to Washington's sabotage activities in Iran. They say: "Press reports indicate that sabotage has been used to slow the Iranian nuclear program, including through infiltration and disruption of procurement networks and cyber attacks, designed to inflict physical damage to the program. Judicious use of this tool should be included in continued US efforts to constrain the Iranian nuclear program."         

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