
Feroze Mithiborwala & Kishore Jagtap: Sabotaging Relations

between India and Pakistan. Target: India Pakistan Visa on arrival & the growing bonhomie between the two countries: The killings of the 2 Indian & 1 Pakistani soldier at the LOC, and the rising tensions & rhetoric need to be analyzed. The killings of the 3 soldiers have an agenda to target India Pakistan relations and that is obvious. On the 15th of January onwards India & Pakistan were going to start issuing "Visas on Arrival" for Senior Citizens. This was the first major path breaking step, that would finally lead to ordinary Indians & Pakistanis having an opportunity to meet each other, and this would definitely lead to a process of normalization of relations on either side of the border. There are clearly right wing religious fanatics on either side, both within the Military establishment and more important within the Intelligence establishment, (IB-RAW-India & Pakistan), both of which are closely intertwined with CIA-Mossad. There is also a pattern to these false flag terror attacks, targeting India Pakistan peace talks. Thus, the terror attacks in Jaipur of 13th May 2008 and the Pune German Bakery Terror attack on 11th February 2010, were both engineered 10-12 days before the Foreign Secretaries of the two countries were to undertake a process of dialogue, despite the prevailing unpopular sentiment. These terror attacks were obviously meant to ensure that the talks were sabotaged. There are very strong vested interests to ensure that the tensions continue, and both the nations continue to buy weapons and security equipment from the West. There is certainly no reason at all for the civilian government in Pakistan to engineer this incident, and even the Pakistani military leadership wants to reduce tensions on their eastern border, so as to deal with the threat from the western border, as well as the rampant jihadist militancy within, that threatens to destroy Pakistan in a veritable implosion along sectarian and ethnic lines. This is again there for all to see. Similarly, the Indian political class in general is pursuing a serious peace process with Pakistan, as there are numerous benefits for India, which again are obvious by all strategic and economic counts.    

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