
Gordon Duff: Europe Criminalizes Freedom of Speech

Israeli Witch Hunt cripples Freedom of speech and ICC. Israel had already moved yo have their "hasbara assets" silence Press TV in Europe and elsewhere, all attempts of damage control after their defeat in Gaza and, of course, their ties to Sandy Hook. Since the nearly unanimous United Nations vote to recognize Palestine as a free state, Israel has marshaled its political resources in Europe and elsewhere to criminalize moves against Israel, particularly in the International Criminal Court. Recent frightening revelations that occupants of a Mossad "safe house" in the exclusive Greenwich Village neighborhood of New York were involved, not just in the Sandy Hook terrorist attack, but in trying to avert blame to neo Nazi groups, has become a disaster for Israel. This is only the most recent bombshell. With Palestine now able to seek redress for war crimes by Israel in the International Criminal Court at The Hague, Israel is seeking to silence all dissent, Palestinian and otherwise, that would aid in their prosecution. Israel had already moved to have their "hasbara assets" silence Press TV in Europe and elsewhere, all attempts at damage control after their defeat in Gaza and, of course, their ties to Sandy Hook. Direct moves within most EU nations, particularly Germany, Austria, France, the Netherlands along with pressure in Switzerland and Canada, aided by attempts to pass new "silencing" laws in the United States, are intended to end future moves against Israel. For instance, Germany is now ready to prosecute anyone, lawyers, diplomats, journalists or professors, anyone who speaks or publishes any information critical of Israel. It is now a crime in Germany to edit documents, even those presented to the United Nations or the International Criminal Court, if those documents contain evidence of Israeli crimes. Lawyers representing the Palestinian Authority, who have been tasked with preparing criminal charges against Israel for recent violations of Palestinian sovereignty tied to Netanyahu's new "settlements" in now recognized Palestine, face imprisonment. We have evidence that editors, translators and even computer technicians face prosecution, including, but not limited to employees of both the United Nations and the International Criminal Court. There is a long history of persecution of those who have challenged the historical narrative of the Holocaust. Hundreds of scholars, their attorneys, and even journalists have been jailed for as long as fifteen years for failing to follow the letter of what has become "victimization dogma." Thousands more have been removed from teaching positions, fired from newspapers and other media outlets, or have been subjected to travel restrictions and police state surveillance. More still have been harassed, subjected to detention, eve torture, for supporting "historical revisionism." 

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